Thank You to Our 2021 Sponsors & Donors
Highlands Opera Studio is extremely grateful for the generosity of the following organizations and individuals who are supporting our 2021 activities.
Lead Donors of $5000 or More
- BMO Financial Group
- Special Thanks to Nada Ristich
- RBC Foundation
- Good Foundation
- Hailiburton County Development Corporation
- Azrieli Foundation
- Government of Canada
- Anonymous
- John & Thea Patterson
- Margaret Swaine & Dr. Bill Siegel
- Vanda Treiser in memory of Benjamin Treiser
We could not proceed without you!
We are also extremely grateful to all those who have donated the value of their tickets purchased for the 2020 season.
Highlands Opera Studio is operated by Highlands Opera Theatre, a not-for-profit organization.
Donations are gratefully accepted and tax-receipts are issued after the end of each calendar year.
Tax deductible donations can be made to "Highlands Opera Theatre".
Please write a memo stating the money is for Highlands Opera Studio.
Charitable Registration Number 822457263 RR0001